Hi, I’m Jen Tostevin.

I’m a Strategic Psychotherapist, Accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner.

Your future can be brighter in ways you can’t predict

Are you feeling anxious, stuck, overwhelmed, or even trapped by your own habits or situation? Do you feel as though you’ve tried everything, but can’t seem to create the change you so desperately need? Or maybe you’re not sure where to start? I understand how difficult this can be. That’s why I’m here to help.

Some areas of our life seem easier than others, and understanding why it is that way can help us operate better in other more challenging aspects of life.

I’m passionate about the effectiveness of Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis when it comes to making change, and I’m excited to be able to help others discover their innate strengths, absorb new ideas, and bring about real change and effective ongoing management.

Instead of life being something that just happens to us, we can learn to make life happen for us. Learning to move toward what it is that we want, rather than pulling away from what we don’t want, is an important part of making positive change.

Jenesis approach

Jenesis approach

My approach to therapy is different at Jenesis. I focus on understanding ‘how’ you do things in life, rather than focusing on your past, and why you have your problems. Examining the past doesn’t necessarily help us solve ongoing issues. I will be personalising your treatment plan, to help you create long-lasting, positive changes in your life.

I will show you ways to utilise your strengths, to guide you towards the knowledge and tools to change the perceptions and processes that have been negatively impacting you.

Using Government accredited Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis techniques, I can work with you to connect with your unconscious mind to effectively apply your inner strengths and wisdom.

You will gain more awareness and understanding of your situation, how you’ve been doing it and how you can do it differently, and the real influence you have over your life outcomes.

I believe everyone has the potential to live their best life and I’m here to help you do just that.

Jenesis is committed to helping you achieve more balance, clarity, and sense of strong purpose in your life, whether we work together in person or via telehealth. So, let’s take that first step together towards getting you back in control of your life.



Manage life’s problems effectively……there is always a way through

As you learn to balance life’s challenges, you’ll find there is always a way through. Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis are fast ways to connect with your inner strength and wisdom as you deepen your ability to manage life’s problems.

Stress and anxiety
Stress and Anxiety

Manage the thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down.

Fears and Phobias
Fears and Phobias

Understand and take control of your fears.

Habit cessation
Habit cessation

Change your habits, and regain control.

Women’s health Menopause
Women’s health/ Menopause

Navigate life’s challenges with comfort and control.

Navigate life’s challenges with comfort and control.
Medical diagnosis/ injury

Reduce anxiety and manage your situation.

Surgery preparation and recovery
Surgery: preparation and recovery

Reduce pre-operative anxiety to support your recovery.

“Jen helped me see my situation from a different perspective”

I sought help from Jen after my whole life changed due to an accident, my physical and professional life became under a lot of strain as I could no longer exercise and travel due to my physical restrictions after surgery. It was a difficult time accepting my situation, but
Jen helped me to focus on what I was able to control and the more positive aspects of my situation which really
helped me through. The hypnosis sessions were deeply relaxing and very powerful. She was able to not only calm me, but she helped me see my situation from a different perspective I regained more of my usual motivation, and put the energy into completing my studies.
As difficult as the time was, I gained more acceptance, felt calmer, and a lot more focused on what I could do, and less on what I couldn’t.

- Michelle T

“Jen was fantastic and helped me so much.”

We worked together to manage some difficulties that I had around my self-esteem and anxiety, and after 4 sessions I really understood more about the unhelpful things that I was doing to contribute to my own situation which was making things worse. I now see things from a very different perspective, and am back on track, feeling so much more positive, and I’ve found my determination and drive to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time.  I’m in a much better place and feeling so much better about myself. I’ve stopped worrying all the time and my family say I’m much better to be around now!

- Annabel C

“What you focus on is the pivot point of your life“

-GORDON YOUNG (Founder and Director, Institute of Applied Psychology)