Anxiety Treatment in Melbourne

In our ever-busy lives, anxiety is increasingly common. If things are getting on top of you, you’re not alone. At Jenesis, we provide holistic, individualised anxiety treatment in Melbourne, along with powerful strategies for stress management.

In our sessions, we’ll give you the tools to understand the ways in which we respond to stress and anxiety, and then help you to develop positive strategies on how to manage stress in a way that is kinder to yourself.

How personalised Stress Management in Melbourne works

It’s often easy for stress and burnout to creep in. After all, life can be a constant juggle between various commitments. We all try to wear so many hats and be all things to all people. But you cannot pour from an empty cup, and it’s important to prioritise your own wellbeing. It is an entirely positive process to seek help and give yourself what you really need.

Strategic stress management is a form of anxiety therapy in Melbourne that will help you reclaim balance and equilibrium in your life. As an experienced stress therapist in Melbourne, I will help you to understand what you’re experiencing and give you tips and powerful and long lasting strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

The difference between some traditional Psychology and Counselling services, and Strategic Psychotherapy, is that we place greater emphasis on HOW It is that we are contributing to our problem space, rather than WHY we have the problems in the first place. Although it’s important to acknowledge our past, the past is now behind us. We can’t change what happened in the past. People come to therapy to change their future.

At Jenesis we focus on where you are today and what it is that you would like to achieve with your life moving forward. We take an innovative approach by combining Strategic Psychotherapy with Clinical Hypnosis for anxiety in Melbourne. To find out more, call on (03) 9988 9107 for a free, no obligation chat.

Stress and anxiety
Fears and Phobias

How Hypnotherapy for Anxiety in Melbourne works

Anxiety and panic attacks can be frightening, confusing, and overwhelming to deal with. I will work with you to reduce the impact these have on your everyday life.

Hypnotherapy becomes a powerful tool when integrated into your treatment plan for your stress management. It helps you navigate and overcome stressors, promoting a sense of calm and resilience.

Our Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Melbourne is clinically tested and government accredited. Hypnosis allows the analytical, over thinking part of our mind to quieten down so we can absorb new ways of learning and thinking about things. You remain conscious and completely in control the whole time. Each session takes around 20 minutes.

The Benefits of Hypnosis for Anxiety in Melbourne

Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Melbourne comes with enormous benefits. It provides a safe and drug-free treatment for anxiety without any side effects, allowing you to explore the unconscious process that contributes to anxiety.

For those experiencing panic attacks, hypnotherapy in Melbourne can be particularly beneficial. By addressing the underlying causes of panic attacks, and then with the utilisation of hypnosis, you can learn to gain control over your responses, thereby reducing the frequency and intensity of these episodes.

Through a guided session with a fully qualified therapist for anxiety in Melbourne, we will help you to develop coping mechanisms, stress management skills, and a deeper understanding of how you may be contributing to your stress through your unconscious processes.

Habit cessation
Balance your life background image

Speak to a trained stress therapist today

Don’t suffer alone. If you are looking for a therapist to help you manage your anxiety in Melbourne, and reclaim your life, speak to us at Jenesis Psychotherapy today. Book an appointment with us or call (03) 9988 9107 to have a free 20 minute, no obligation chat.

What to expect…

What To Expect (1)

Connect with me to arrange a 20 min free, no-obligation conversation to find out how, together, we can develop a treatment pathway to benefit you.

Book a free 20 min no obligation call.

What To Expect (3)

Getting effective help is the first step. We will send you a confidential intake form to get to know more about you and your current situation. Allow 2 hours for your first appointment for a thorough interview, and then, together, we will focus on the outcomes you’re looking for and begin the process of getting you there. This may also include specialised Hypnosis techniques to support your learning. Most people experience a very positive result after their first session.

What To Expect (2)

After your first session, you’ll have a good idea of how the treatment plan will progress and the number of sessions you’ll be requiring. Most people require between 4–6 sessions on average. Weekly visits are usually recommended for the duration of treatment.

What to expect…

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Connect with me to arrange a 20 min free, no obligation conversation to find out how together, we can develop a treatment pathway to benefit you.

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Getting effective help is the first step. To book a consultation, simply request a confidential intake form to get to know more about you and your current situation.
Allow 2 hours for your first appointment for a thorough interview, then together, we will
focus on the outcomes you’re looking for and begin the process of getting you there.
This may also include accredited hypnosis techniques to support your learning. Most people experience a very positive result after their first session.

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After your first session, you’ll have a good idea of the how the treatment plan will progress and the number of sessions you’ll be requiring. Most people require between 4 – 6 sessions on average. Weekly visits are usually recommended for the duration of treatment.

“Jen helped me see my situation from a different perspective”

I sought help from Jen after my whole life changed due to an accident, my physical and professional life became under a lot of strain as I could no longer exercise and travel due to my physical restrictions after surgery. It was a difficult time accepting my situation, but
Jen helped me to focus on what I was able to control and the more positive aspects of my situation which really
helped me through. The hypnosis sessions were deeply relaxing and very powerful. She was able to not only calm me, but she helped me see my situation from a different perspective I regained more of my usual motivation, and put the energy into completing my studies.
As difficult as the time was, I gained more acceptance, felt calmer, and a lot more focused on what I could do, and less on what I couldn’t.

-Michelle T

“Jen was fantastic and helped me so much.”

We worked together to manage some difficulties that I had around my self-esteem and anxiety, and after 4 sessions I really understood more about the unhelpful things that I was doing to contribute to my own situation which was making things worse. I now see things from a very different perspective, and am back on track, feeling so much more positive, and I’ve found my determination and drive to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. I’m in a much better place and feeling so much better about myself. I’ve stopped worrying all the time and my family say I’m much better to be around now!

- Annabel C

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