The Power of Self Esteem Therapy

When you believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to. Here at Jenesis, we provide self esteem therapy to help you build your confidence in yourself.

A healthy self esteem is so important for our overall well being. It empowers us to pursue our goals and foster a positive self-image, allowing us to embrace our strengths. It also helps us to identify areas for personal growth without succumbing to negative self talk and self-doubt.

As a clinically trained and fully accredited self-esteem therapist, I provide therapy for low self esteem and work with you to build your sense of self-worth. Ask me how today.

Build your confidence with Therapy for Low Self-Esteem

Self esteem therapy provides a powerful catalyst for personal growth, improved emotional wellbeing, and a fulfilling and empowering life.

Our sense of self worth provides us with the foundation for emotional resilience, influencing our ability to navigate challenges and setbacks. Through our sessions together, I’ll help you to challenge negative thought patterns and cultivate a more positive and realistic self-view.

At Jenesis, I offer low self-esteem treatment by combining Strategic Psychotherapy with Clinical Hypnosis. The difference between some self esteem Psychologist help and a trained Strategic Psychotherapist is that our scientifically backed and innovative approach focuses on HOW we respond to certain challenges and situations and what we can do differently.

Each session lasts roughly 1.5 hours. In these sessions we’ll discuss your strengths, problems, and goals, and from there we’ll develop a plan and strategy to help you achieve those goals.

Stress and anxiety
Fears and Phobias

The Benefits of Treatment for Low Self Esteem

How we see ourselves can influence our lives in all kinds of ways – from the relationships we have with others along with ourselves, to the decisions we make throughout life and the career paths we take.

When we have confidence in ourselves, we are more likely to tackle challenges, explore new options, and persist in the face of adversity. We also perform better, therefore increasing our chances of success in whatever it is we choose to do.

Having a low self esteem only creates undue anxiety and stress. Don’t hold yourself back any more – you owe it to yourself to give yourself what you need, and see yourself for the strong, capable person that you are. We all have strengths within us, but sometimes we need a little help to coax them out, recognise them, and put them to use.

Therapy for low self esteem comes with enormous benefits in that it helps us build a healthier sense of self worth, therefore helping us to invite greater opportunity and happiness into our lives.

Start treatment for low self esteem

Learn to say YES to yourself today and ask about treatment for low self esteem. Get started by booking an appointment with us, or you can also call on (03) 9988 9107 for a free, no obligation chat.

Balance your life background image

What to expect…

What To Expect (1)

Connect with me to arrange a 20 min free, no-obligation conversation to find out how, together, we can develop a treatment pathway to benefit you.

Book a free 20 min no obligation call.

What To Expect (3)

Getting effective help is the first step. We will send you a confidential intake form to get to know more about you and your current situation. Allow 2 hours for your first appointment for a thorough interview, and then, together, we will focus on the outcomes you’re looking for and begin the process of getting you there. This may also include specialised Hypnosis techniques to support your learning. Most people experience a very positive result after their first session.

What To Expect (2)

After your first session, you’ll have a good idea of how the treatment plan will progress and the number of sessions you’ll be requiring. Most people require between 4–6 sessions on average. Weekly visits are usually recommended for the duration of treatment.

What to expect…

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Connect with me to arrange a 20 min free, no obligation conversation to find out how together, we can develop a treatment pathway to benefit you.

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Getting effective help is the first step. To book a consultation, simply request a confidential intake form to get to know more about you and your current situation.
Allow 2 hours for your first appointment for a thorough interview, then together, we will
focus on the outcomes you’re looking for and begin the process of getting you there.
This may also include accredited hypnosis techniques to support your learning. Most people experience a very positive result after their first session.

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After your first session, you’ll have a good idea of the how the treatment plan will progress and the number of sessions you’ll be requiring. Most people require between 4 – 6 sessions on average. Weekly visits are usually recommended for the duration of treatment.

“Jen helped me see my situation from a different perspective”

I sought help from Jen after my whole life changed due to an accident, my physical and professional life became under a lot of strain as I could no longer exercise and travel due to my physical restrictions after surgery. It was a difficult time accepting my situation, but
Jen helped me to focus on what I was able to control and the more positive aspects of my situation which really
helped me through. The hypnosis sessions were deeply relaxing and very powerful. She was able to not only calm me, but she helped me see my situation from a different perspective I regained more of my usual motivation, and put the energy into completing my studies.
As difficult as the time was, I gained more acceptance, felt calmer, and a lot more focused on what I could do, and less on what I couldn’t.

-Michelle T

“Jen was fantastic and helped me so much.”

We worked together to manage some difficulties that I had around my self-esteem and anxiety, and after 4 sessions I really understood more about the unhelpful things that I was doing to contribute to my own situation which was making things worse. I now see things from a very different perspective, and am back on track, feeling so much more positive, and I’ve found my determination and drive to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. I’m in a much better place and feeling so much better about myself. I’ve stopped worrying all the time and my family say I’m much better to be around now!

- Annabel C

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